In Search of anything Mexican

Can't beat down the adventurers in us - we decided to brave the heat, leaving the oasis of our resort behind us we headed for the hills.  Albeit in the air conditioned comfort of a well appointed taxi!

Drop us at the Town Square please!  In the middle of the day, in 35 deg of sweltering heat.  We made up our minds that this was not to be a sight seeing expedition.  We were just going to buy a few provisions for a week of breakfasts, then have lunch in an air conditioned cafe before heading back for another swim.

It's a quaint enough little town - but the locals aren't daft - we'll hide the grocery shops from tourists so they'll be forced to eat in our restaurants!

But we would not be beaten.  We've checked the Internet - we know there's a Walmart here somewhere!  Ok.  So their next ploy is to hide all the street signs!  

They still didn't beat us hardy Aussies!  We traspt everywhere in the midday sun until we eventually found it.  Now all we had to do was carry all our groceries back to the town square - in the ever increasing heat, passing al fresco cafe after al fresco cafe, until we were gasping with thirst.

But we succeeded.  It was an un assuming little cafe but the air con was cold, and the beer even colder!!

Oh boy did that taste good.  And the food was great too - restored our faith in the Americas after our experience at Roscoes Chicken and Waffles in LA!

Proper Mexican stuff.  The red pile in the middle of the table is a beetroot salad - we're tasting beetroot in many different forms here - roasted, dried, boiled, pickled - quite a surprise.  

Good job we arrived when we did, because shortly after a tourist coach poured all its occupants into this small cafe, and then like bees to a honeypot musicians materialized out of nowhere busking for tips.  Within minutes the place was so noisy and crowded we could barely hear each other speak!

Serves us right for traveling during the USA school holidays!

The next day we escaped the resort again.  The only tour we've arranged here in Cabo: a sunset dinner cruise to see the "very iconic Arch of Cabo San Lucas".  It was a lot of fun - everyone in the mood for festivities, and there was dancing on the deck as the sun went down.
